What does integration with Sync2Hire do?

What does integration with Sync2Hire do?

Sync2Hire integration syncs Jobs, Application, Candidate and Employee data models from your ATS along with its variables. It only reads the data and make it available in Sync2Hire platform. The purpose of Sync2Hire platform is to create collaboration and close communication gaps between team members and candidates while keeping the existing established work stream and hiring process that is defined in the ATS.


employee name, email, department, id, location, telephone, address and image url (if exists) is visible for users to reference in communications and collaboration.

applicant id, job id of the application, when it is created, when it is updated, when the candidate applied, rejected, rejection reason and status of the application is available to reference in communication and collaboration. For example users can relate an internal conversation to an applicant.

Addition to the job applicants, manually added candidate data also gets synced with the integration.

ATS job model data sync enables to see and reference conversations for jobs that are assigned to the hiring managers, recruiters, salary , department and other related job data.

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