Enabling SmartRecruiters Integration
Enabling SmartRecruiters Integration
Available For | Site Admin |
Sync2Hire’s integration allows you to sync Employee, Job, Candidate and Application data from SmartRecruiters to Sync2Hire in order for users to communicate and collaborate to streamline the post application hiring process.
Create a hub (a.k.a workspace) and Enabling the Sync2HireIntegration
Sync employee, job, candidate and application data
Raise support ticket and reach out to support for troubleshooting with integration issues.
Enabling the Sync2Hire Connection
Step 1: Sign in to SmartRecruiters
Step 2: Click Apps & Integrations under Administration.
Step 3: Select APPS and Integrations
Step 4: Select Sync2Hire
Step 5: Click Connect
Step 6: Click Allow and Continue
Step 7: Via the Pop up register and sign up to Sync2Hire
Step 8: Connect to SmartRecruiters
The entire process takes few seconds and you can start communicating.