How to sign up and create an account?
It is really easy to sign up and create an account with Sync2Hire
1- Go to Sign up page: Sync2Hire and enter you name, email and Company name. If you are a candidate, you can leave company info blank. Please note the below requirements
Name: Must be at least 3 characters and include both first and last name.
Email: Enter a valid email address (e.g.,
Company: Provide a name with at least 3 characters.
2-You will be prompted to check your email for your verification code, add your verification code and click verify. Please note the below requirements
Codes expire after 5 minutes.
After 3 failed attempts, the code will be blocked.
You can only request a new code once every 5 minutes.
3- Set your password. Please note the below requirements
At least 8 characters long.
Must include both letters and numbers.
4- Set your profile information, including your photo and phone number. Please note the below requirements
Accepted formats for Profile pictures are .jpg, .png, .svg.
Name: At least 3 characters, including first and last name.
Phone: Enter a valid phone number.
Company: At least 3 characters.
5- Set your MFA and communication preferences.
6- Select the ATS or Recruitment CRM you want to connect.
5- Authorize the connection.
6-Connection will sync all the relevant data for communication to Sync2Hire.
7- You are ready to start creating channels within specific jobs and communicate for your recruitment.